Attending this event?
Welcome to Edge! Use this platform to create your weekly schedule.
1. Select you outside of EDGE classes.
2. Select your EDGE sessions. Use the punch list to identify weekly sessions you need to attend.
3. Identify any conflicts you may have and review the weekly calendar to be sure there is not another time in the week you can attend the session.  Talk to your teachers on Monday about any conflicts you can’t resolve so they can help you find a solution in a timely manner. 
Friday, May 3

8:10am CDT

8:59am CDT

9:20am CDT

9:48am CDT

10:10am CDT

10:37am CDT

11:00am CDT

11:49am CDT

12:15pm CDT

12:44pm CDT

1:05pm CDT

1:41pm CDT

2:05pm CDT

2:30pm CDT

2:55pm CDT


8:59am CDT

9:48am CDT

10:37am CDT

11:49am CDT

12:44pm CDT

1:41pm CDT

2:30pm CDT


8:54am CDT

9:38am CDT

10:22am CDT

11:29am CDT

12:22pm CDT

1:06pm CDT

1:50pm CDT


8:51am CDT

9:32am CDT

10:13am CDT

12:16pm CDT

12:57pm CDT

1:38pm CDT


8:59am CDT

9:48am CDT

10:37am CDT

12:44pm CDT

1:41pm CDT

2:30pm CDT


8:00am CDT

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